miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

When I finished my Highschool, I ask for a Netbook, because a notebook it's very large for me, and its my favourite gadget. I like it because thing that I ask, it answers very well, and in many different ways, He is very ill now, because when I move it, It doesn't answer, and I must to switch off it, and start all again, it needs updating and formatting urgent too.I guess Im not the same person without it, because It makes me an efficient student. When im in class, I write everithing on it, and Im very fast to take notes of the class, the only single problem is when it not answer, and I need to restart again...and again..and again. Its old now...but I like it very much, I chat with my friends through the facebook and messenger, in facebook I even make homeworks with my classmates and share documents. I like listen to music on it too...but with a subwoofer, because have very bad sound. When I went to Dream T. I bought a sticker, and put over the top of the screen, and it looks very cool!!. I use to buy stuffs for e-bay and to sale oriflame, because when I lived in La Serena I bought the oriflame's product by internet to sale it there.
Definitely Im not the same person without it, its part of my life, and makes me very efficient. I cant imagine my life without my Ox

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