viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012


The term ‘arthritis’ implies inflammation of a joint or joints. Taken literally, this can include a simple sprain but it is more often used to describe osteo-arthritis, in which long-term bony changes occur in the skeleton, around the joints. These changes can result in swelling and deformation of the joint, with reduced range of flexion and extension. The resultant pain and altered movement can cause lameness or can, in bad cases, be quite crippling. This is possibly one of the the most common reasons for a lame horse or pony (limping horse).
The word colic literally describes abdominal pain. In the horse, this can be quite dramatic and distressful, for many species-specific reasons. It can arise most commonly from impaction of ingesta or from accumulation and entrapment of gas (impaction colic, spasmodic colic, gassy colic).

(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Recurrent Airway Obstruction)
COPD / RAO / Heaves is the subject of a .pdf document
The condition of COPD or RAO used to be called heaves, in former 'pre-scientific' days. This terminology is creeping back into veterinary papers, since it is descriptive and accurate but there are other names (see above), which can make life very confusing.
The condition is often triggered by straw or hay dust (Aspergillus spp. moulds), tree pollens, elder flower pollen, rape pollen or other hedgerow irritants. It is of immune origin and vaccination or viruses may play a part in aetiology of the original underlying immune imbalance.

HAEMATOMA A haematoma is, literally, a collection of blood in the tissues (usually just under the skin). It occurs through the rupture of a blood vessel, possibly from direct trauma or from overexertion. A common site, in the racing Thoroughbred, is on the thigh, near the hip joint.

Equine Influenza
Equine Influenza is a viral disease, which appears to be specific to equine animals (i.e. it is not known to cross the 'species barrier'). It is much-feared, giving rise to compulsory vaccination regimes for various forms of sporting competition and for some yards. It is highly infectious but, usually, not too severe

Laminitis is a formidable disease and it appears that, once affected, ponies become more susceptible thereafter

External Anatomy
 Digestive System

 I choose the Cow:
this is my favourite web-page because shows information of breeds and some funny videos, it is a perfect mixture. I like the cows because they are very cute, and they have a tongue very large and the texture its like cat's tongue 

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

I would like to visit Caribbean Islands because there is a very green place with a lot of animals and beach, My aunt went there and she told to  me that the people there is very nice and warm.  I would like to swim in this clear sea, with dolphins and see the coral reefs and the biggest turtles.
I would like to live and work as touristic guide riding horses and learn to dive, swim underwater may be doing a veterinarian preserving program keeping animal care. Something like that, I like the sea but I don't know so much about fish but i would learn, may be some day I will escape from Chile and work there for some time, and there I could learn the English and speak fluent, may be doing artisanal things because I’m very good doing that things, I had never consider that possibility, but now I’m conscious of that chance, perhaps for a year
I like the natural places and the biodiversity on this planet, there is a natural sanctuary, we must to meet, like animal-lovers veterinarians.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

 Cute animals ^^

I like this photo because is very strange, male lions are usually agressive in group, and  I like the contrast between the green of the landscape and the light golden-brown of lions colours. This animal seems to me very beautiful because shows strength and courage.
This other photo, shows two little bears playing, it seems that they were taken their hands like two child. The light brown bears seems sketch a little and friendly smile to his/her  friend. Is awesome the way that they seems talking, and keeping the human way to stand.
This video shows a cat playing with an owl, they are friends and it’s very cute to see them playing, even one day the cat catches the owl, but he was only playing, and it’s very funny! I like this video so much!
I like this cute video because shows that when two animals are together, and two very different animals as cat and bear, can live together in harmony and can be friends, I’m surprised that one bear, that is a wild an non-domestic animal, can achieve a social behavior with an animal that is another kind

Go to environment option and choose the green guide, then here you can find information of climate changes and little tips to help the environment in your city. There is a lot of information that is useful to make conscience