viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2012


The term ‘arthritis’ implies inflammation of a joint or joints. Taken literally, this can include a simple sprain but it is more often used to describe osteo-arthritis, in which long-term bony changes occur in the skeleton, around the joints. These changes can result in swelling and deformation of the joint, with reduced range of flexion and extension. The resultant pain and altered movement can cause lameness or can, in bad cases, be quite crippling. This is possibly one of the the most common reasons for a lame horse or pony (limping horse).
The word colic literally describes abdominal pain. In the horse, this can be quite dramatic and distressful, for many species-specific reasons. It can arise most commonly from impaction of ingesta or from accumulation and entrapment of gas (impaction colic, spasmodic colic, gassy colic).

(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Recurrent Airway Obstruction)
COPD / RAO / Heaves is the subject of a .pdf document
The condition of COPD or RAO used to be called heaves, in former 'pre-scientific' days. This terminology is creeping back into veterinary papers, since it is descriptive and accurate but there are other names (see above), which can make life very confusing.
The condition is often triggered by straw or hay dust (Aspergillus spp. moulds), tree pollens, elder flower pollen, rape pollen or other hedgerow irritants. It is of immune origin and vaccination or viruses may play a part in aetiology of the original underlying immune imbalance.

HAEMATOMA A haematoma is, literally, a collection of blood in the tissues (usually just under the skin). It occurs through the rupture of a blood vessel, possibly from direct trauma or from overexertion. A common site, in the racing Thoroughbred, is on the thigh, near the hip joint.

Equine Influenza
Equine Influenza is a viral disease, which appears to be specific to equine animals (i.e. it is not known to cross the 'species barrier'). It is much-feared, giving rise to compulsory vaccination regimes for various forms of sporting competition and for some yards. It is highly infectious but, usually, not too severe

Laminitis is a formidable disease and it appears that, once affected, ponies become more susceptible thereafter

External Anatomy
 Digestive System

 I choose the Cow:
this is my favourite web-page because shows information of breeds and some funny videos, it is a perfect mixture. I like the cows because they are very cute, and they have a tongue very large and the texture its like cat's tongue 

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

I would like to visit Caribbean Islands because there is a very green place with a lot of animals and beach, My aunt went there and she told to  me that the people there is very nice and warm.  I would like to swim in this clear sea, with dolphins and see the coral reefs and the biggest turtles.
I would like to live and work as touristic guide riding horses and learn to dive, swim underwater may be doing a veterinarian preserving program keeping animal care. Something like that, I like the sea but I don't know so much about fish but i would learn, may be some day I will escape from Chile and work there for some time, and there I could learn the English and speak fluent, may be doing artisanal things because I’m very good doing that things, I had never consider that possibility, but now I’m conscious of that chance, perhaps for a year
I like the natural places and the biodiversity on this planet, there is a natural sanctuary, we must to meet, like animal-lovers veterinarians.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012

 Cute animals ^^

I like this photo because is very strange, male lions are usually agressive in group, and  I like the contrast between the green of the landscape and the light golden-brown of lions colours. This animal seems to me very beautiful because shows strength and courage.
This other photo, shows two little bears playing, it seems that they were taken their hands like two child. The light brown bears seems sketch a little and friendly smile to his/her  friend. Is awesome the way that they seems talking, and keeping the human way to stand.
This video shows a cat playing with an owl, they are friends and it’s very cute to see them playing, even one day the cat catches the owl, but he was only playing, and it’s very funny! I like this video so much!
I like this cute video because shows that when two animals are together, and two very different animals as cat and bear, can live together in harmony and can be friends, I’m surprised that one bear, that is a wild an non-domestic animal, can achieve a social behavior with an animal that is another kind

Go to environment option and choose the green guide, then here you can find information of climate changes and little tips to help the environment in your city. There is a lot of information that is useful to make conscience

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

This was with my family in Quinteros, we went to Papudo and Maitencillos, when my sister took me this picture I felt free, and flying, I enjoyed this vacations so much, I miss my family every time, but this keeps me studying, because when I finish, I can return with my family.
This picture talks about dreams, when the sea, mixes with the sky, shows only one color, and everything in the world seems eternity, and peaceful. You are nothing in this world, you are only dust... and when you breathe, in this paradise, you can understand how the nature works, and speaks.
Every single day in your must think about this nature that gives to you the chance to see the beautiful of a high mountain...and a clear sky, the clean sea....but you must to care it and transmit the conscience, to give this chance to others generations. This is my legacy to the world, because I’m an insignificant human in this nature, I have no right to destruct anything, and I must love my world.
This pictures shows the pure air in the high of mountains, I like the snow so much. It’s very beautiful, and nature. It’s like be in the sky.

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

What is your opinion about women in the military?
I think it depends on the women's options, for me all jobs are appropriate for everyone

What is your opinion about violence on television?
I think violence decrease children's intelligence, many boys saw Dragon Ball when they was on childhood, but it wasn't a good desicion for them i think, because I think violence drecrease the emotional inteligence of people

What is your opinion about killing stray dogs?
I think the problem comes from the people who don't know how to care a dog, because the majority of stray dogs comes from irreflexive owners and they don't have any quilt

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
I think the cigar and alcohol are dangerous too, and marijuana are very efective on pain treatment, I think people must be educated in the topic, and then, legalize because is the best way to eliminate narcotraffic
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I think that is no difference between an anticonceptive pill and abortion, because the two cases do almost the same, with the pill, the fecunded embryo can’t insert on uterus, and is “killed” I think abortion is a solution to create a society more healthy because we can detect illness on fetus and decide if we can take the responsibility of take care of them, or the money to care of them, but if the state can help these people to care this boys this not would be necessary, in poor countries may be is necessary, because these people have a poor live , and when the women is raped, she is not guilty, o this, and she doesn’t have to take this responsibility

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

When I was a child, I used  to dream to be a Veterinarian, in my 2th grade, in primary I used to like cats, then, when I was ten years old, I realized that I love Horses, and I decided to become a veterinarian. My family said that I will die hungry, but when I went to my Ride-horse club, my instructor convinced my mom that horse-vets don't die hungry, even they made a lot of money, so she changed her mind, and let me live my dream.
When I was on Highschool, I had always the first place in biology and science, always up of 67 in score, so, my teachers told me that I will be a Biotecnologist, and with this idea, I will be for almost one year, because it is a career with a lot of future, but, two months for the PSU test, I realized that i love animals, and horses and I can do biotecnology being a veterinarian. Im very happy on this career, I think it was my best desicion. I had learnt so much about horses, even more that all my years when I was riding in La Serena. Here with my mare I learn how horses comunicate their feelings and things of management even in cattle. Im very proud of my University, because it has a very important role in society, the student movement changes the mind of many people, and we, like institution, have a very very important role in this revolution.
When I am a veterinarian, I would like to work on sport equine medicine, feeding care, and to prevent the pathologies associated to the horses-jump and the race.

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

When I finished my Highschool, I ask for a Netbook, because a notebook it's very large for me, and its my favourite gadget. I like it because thing that I ask, it answers very well, and in many different ways, He is very ill now, because when I move it, It doesn't answer, and I must to switch off it, and start all again, it needs updating and formatting urgent too.I guess Im not the same person without it, because It makes me an efficient student. When im in class, I write everithing on it, and Im very fast to take notes of the class, the only single problem is when it not answer, and I need to restart again...and again..and again. Its old now...but I like it very much, I chat with my friends through the facebook and messenger, in facebook I even make homeworks with my classmates and share documents. I like listen to music on it too...but with a subwoofer, because have very bad sound. When I went to Dream T. I bought a sticker, and put over the top of the screen, and it looks very cool!!. I use to buy stuffs for e-bay and to sale oriflame, because when I lived in La Serena I bought the oriflame's product by internet to sale it there.
Definitely Im not the same person without it, its part of my life, and makes me very efficient. I cant imagine my life without my Ox

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

> Act 01.- Go to Pets 101 > dog breed selector  > select your favorite dog breed by responding the dog breed questionnaire.
what is your favorite dog breed's name? __Silky Terrier__________________
Vocabulary Activity: look for the meaning of these words + 5 more others words you don't know from the dog breed questionnaire.
sprinter: velocista, corredor, osea "prendido"
jogger: trotador, de los que no son locos, pero trotan
breed: Raza
to hunt: cazar
laid-back approach: Tranquilo
watchdog: Guardián
grooming: Acicalamiento
Roomming: de habitación 
Round-the Clock: Dia y noche, todo el dia, las 24 horas
Somewhat: Algun tanto
Command: Orden, algo que se requiera cumplir, de obediencia
Towards: Hacia, para con algo, ¿Cuales son tus sentimientos HACIA Él?
> Act 02.- Go to Pets 101 > dog health >Vet vocabulary
   What are the words for these definitions?
- A drug that causes an animal to lose consciousness and not feel pain during a surgical procedure: _ anesthesia
- The body's response to an infection. It can result in pain, redness, swelling, heat, or loss of function: Fever
- A series of bones in the chest which form a cage and protect the organs inside: Ribs
- A developing baby in the uterus: Fetus
- The more muscular chambers of the heart which pump blood into either the lungs or back into the body: ventricle
-  Organs in the chest which serve to add oxygen to and remove carbon dioxide from the blood: lungs
- The longest bone of the forelimb; it extends from the shoulder to the elbow: Humerus
> Act 03.- Finally, select 3 TVshows hat you are interested in watchin.
   In one or two lines, tell why you likeeach program
I choose "Bad dogs" because the videos are very fun, and "my cat from hell" because it seems to me very rocker and mosters inside me because its a very veterinarian topic because it talks about bloodsuckers, very interesting!!
Hi! As I said, I like metal music, and my favorite band   is Dream Theater that is a progressive metal band and recently they came to Santiago Chile, to show their last album called “A dramatic turn of events”, I went to this concert, and it was amazing, they are a North American band, and they began to play in 1985 with the name "Majesty". They were Mike Portnoy (drums) , Myung (basses) and John Petrucci (guitars), Petrucci and Myung are still in the band but recently Portnoy left the band, and was replaced by Mangini. He is a really good drum player. The progressive music has the characteristic that the players are very good, I like how John Petrucci plays the guitar, and I'm not the only one. Their most popular album is Images and Words, this album has a golden globe, personally I like many themes but as I must chose one, I will take "On the back of Angels" from the new album to show you how they are playing now.

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2012

What's about me

Hi! Im Ninette Rives, and I was born in La Serena, Chile. At the age of six years old, I started my elementary school in "Los Sagrados Corazones" and at eleven years old I went to the "Music School, Jorge Peña Hen" there, in La Serena, that gives to me the posibility of play the oboe, and read music. At the moment  Im in second grade of Veterinary Medicine in the University of Chile, and for this reason I'm living in Santiago Chile.
I like so much Horses since I was twelve years old, in my childhood I started to practice the Horsebackridding with a frech teacher in La Serena, there I had many achievments in jump and dressage, when I moved to Santiago, I started to practice in the exercise ring of the faculty, and in the last year I won many school's competitions , meanwhile I have a mare called Dinamarka, she was a polo-horse but im training her to play jump, she's like my daughter and its my first horse, and she will be ready to compete soon.
I have in La Serena a Norwain Forest Kitty called Lilith, she's very smart cause she can make poop in the bathroom, and two german shepherds (but now are six, because they are a couple and they had four beautiful puppies)
I have two awesome sisters, Claudia , a teenager of 16 years old, and Arlette, my little of 12. My mom is an Oncologist and hemathologist, and she promotes to me the medicine, and the biologist sciences.
I also like metal music because gives to me the strength to overcome all life's obstacles and with progressive rock I relax my mind. I also like alternative rock like Anathema
I should add another hobby, I like to ski whith my family (and with Deftones) because my dad was born in Los Andes and he used to go to Portillos in his youth.

I hope that you can meet me more and meet you too!!